In the small town of Hamptonville, an affluent community ruled by old money on the outskirts of New York City, the school year is coming to an end. Summer romance and adventure are beginning to blossom. This town is home to bad boys and sad girls, to millionaires, mistresses, and madness. However, Hamptonville is not as pretty as it may seem.
This is a collection of intertwined short stories, each of which corresponding with a song from Lana Del Rey's album, Born to Die. Each short story is inspired by the theme, imagery, and story being told in its corresponding song. It is recommended to listen to the corresponding song while reading. This concept was originally imagined by Toria, @beausrose on Wattpad.
Story Cover: Lana Del Rey's Born to Die Album Cover
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.