This is a collection of my thoughts and a few other things. None of the things are wrong or anyone else's.
These are my thoughts on my past and present. These are my thoughts about my life which until recently seemed like an easy enough thing to live out. Places, people, and certain events are mentioned but don't affect the emotions behind these words.
These thoughts were accumulated over time and written down at random moments that I also felt the need to record. Some of these ideas were formed three years ago and maybe unpopular or disregarded.
I also may be perceived as whiny or ungracious, but these are my pure unadulterated thoughts. I don't know who will read this but I hope reading my thoughts helps. I hope you can laugh, cry, and or relate to these thoughts and the trip of it all.
These writings will continue to be added to indefinitely. I regret to inform you that everything here is true and from my life. Any negative thoughts that can't be considered objective feedback aren't welcomed.
*Trigger Warning* Read at your own risk. Thanks