The Erus12 ruled the Earth. Inhabiting magical enchantments from their own dolls. They have the authority and power to cast out everything. Black and White was once a fragment in the Erus12. But the two planned to sovereign the Earth with both hands. Superiority; that's what triggered Black and White to spark their defiance. Black and White evoked monsters and creautures to obtain what they always wanted; Dominion. Red, Blue, Green and the other doll owners joined forces to oblige peace and harmony. They never surrendered on the Armageddon. Together they stand and defeated Black and White. The two was entrapped in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. Descended from ancient bloodlines, Scarlet unveils that she is one of the new generation of Erus12. Legend tells that Black and White will flee and bring havoc again to the Earth. And the only thing to stop is the convergence of the new Erus12. Will Scarlet find the other doll owners and stop Black and White? Or will she not?
6 parts