Our story begins at a dinner party hosted by a mysterious individual, simply referred to as Joan, where they admit to blackmailing their visitors. The guests, who have been given aliases, are Mr. Anxious, Princey, Mr. Brain, Professor Demented, Snake, and Col. Heart. When Joan turns up murdered, all are suspects, and together they try to figure out who the killer is.
[PLEASE NOTE!: I tagged certain ships in this so it would be easier to find. I would like to point out that there is no explicit romantic content in this, it is all simply platonic. Also, there is mentions of murder, cause... you know... it's a murder mystery, so there's very mild descriptions of character death, but it's nothing too major. Nothing gory, or anything like that.]
[Cross-Posted on AO3]
Here is where I put all my one shots
It's mainly fluff, but beware, angst may show up
May consider doing request, give me a prompt and a pairing, I'll see if I can make it work
My current ships : Prinxiety and Demus/Dukeceit. I also have a soft spot for LAMP, Analogical and Logicality.
Update 2020.05.19 : Not writing fanfic anymore