He always loved me and I he... but all of that was a lie. All of it. He tricked me into it all. But something beautiful came out of this lie of his. Something he can never know.
"Jem! Jem! Baby where are you?!?!" I cried. Gena and I searched frantically for my son. How could I have lost him? How?! My God... Jem, where could you have gone.
"Dats mah mommy!" I heard his little voice. I turned searching frantically but i couldn't see where the voice was coming from in the crowd.
"Excuse me miss!" a voice called out. A voice I never wanted to hear again.
I turned and the man put Jem down. I didnt once look up at him. I just stared at Jem, my face tearstreaked. I hugged him and cried and scolded him to never run off like that again. I completely ignored the fact that his father was right infront of me.
I looked up still crying. I stared at the boy who had my baby's blue eyes.My face grimmed. So he really was back.