Okay this is going to be the Logan Henderson one, and The Kogan one is coming, later on, I have to come up with a title for that one as well. Anyways Logan was home for a bit just relaxing and having a good old time, and he heads to one of the local stores in the area for a few items that he needs to survive until he heads back to California, and while he was at the store someone opens fire and starts shooting and Logan takes cover and he hopes that the gunmen don't find him at all, and he leaves him alone which Logan likes, and when the shooting is over he helps out as needed cause he was not a big celebrity back home. He helps a little girl whose mom got shot as she was looking at clothes, and he sees a baby whose mom got taken down as she was looking at fabrics, and he was going to get the girls checked out to make sure they were okay, and he was going to raise them as his own cause both mothers were gone
Becoming pregnant with a guy who was soon to become leader of a gang, Lauren goes through more than a young teenage mother should. Her brother had just come out of prison too, and he wasn't happy when he finds out his little sister was pregnant with his best mate, Sebastian. However, all goes well, if you call being rejected by your baby's father and getting threatened by his own father well that is. Sebastian tried to stay away, only he found he couldn't until something happened to Lauren and he figured it was best to stay away for good, otherwise even worse would happen to her. But, when Sebastians father finds a scan that belongs to him, he will do anything in his power to keep them both alive. Even if it involved killing his own father. Lauren goes through many things on this journey. Love, pain, death. But no matter how much she was put through she was not going to give up, she was going to fight. There is use of profanity, but it is suitable for young readers. EDITING/RE-WRITING!