Credit to InkScarlet1996 for the lovely idea and inspiration. Check out her fanfic "The cursed one"! Days after Blixer was trapped in his cave, a strange blue square found him. After getting rescued, transforming from his flower/plant form into...something else...(he didn't know what exactly he was) and being defended by said square, the other shapes had finally left him alone. But that doesn't mean that everyone is accepting. After a small spat turns into a huge fight, something within snaps...and...I honestly don't know what I'm doing, I'm planning this story out as I go. So may as well just read the story to figure what happens next because I don't either. This is a Cyan x Blixer fanfic by the way! If you don't like any homosexual references, scenes or anything of the likes, I suggest you leave now. I don't own the art!All Rights Reserved