Life can be a rollercoaster, and others, it'll be like a poetic dream of ballerinas prancing about on their toes, gracefully spinning around and around but yet poised.
Life can be difficult, no directions or maps to navigate through the treacherous terrains. From daring peaks of anger and the abyss of depression, sometimes it's difficult to find balance and stand on steady land. Natural disasters can wreck it all, but it could also bring new hope and wisdom.
No matter whether it's trust, a cry for freedom, or just my life falling apart, each has a step- has a story that sometimes need to be told. Often, it's conjured up or dreamt about under the midnight sun. Maybe you are under the actual sunlight. Maybe you are getting ready to sleep away the night. Regardless, get snuggled up and grab yourself a cup of tea- and welcome to the show.