The tale is set on a mystical and enchanting Isle where Mat Salans finds, once an adult, her childhood friend Kalima Noisiv. On the Island he encounters the mysterious and dreaded Goddess Tree, which engages him with the divine feminine figures of beauty and forms beyond human comprehension. The young and newly formed physician sees himself, over time, trapped in this universe of magic and love with these muses, without realizing that this involvement could ruin an entire life story. In an intense way he also gives himself to the love of the sensual and warm Kalima Noisiv. Was it all a dream or a reality? Is it possible to love a transcendental being like the Goddess? How can a mere human coexist with this supernatural conflict? Discover the life and legacy of Mat Salans on the Great Island. Engage in this exciting, original and sensual love story!
28 parts