A story in which DC multiverse & Marvel multiverse chat about all things gay.. sort of.
More than 59 Earths in this fic
Crossover ish with shows from the Marvel Universe, The Arrowverse, The DCTV and DC movies and other tv shows and movies such as TVDU, Teen Wolf, Wynonna Earp, Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, Titans, and more stuff that I watch. Just really random. Maybe some of DC Cartoon Universe and Marvel Cartoon too. <3<3
This also will have *some*, social media but not a lot.
sanvers & supercorp duhh.
avalance obviously
wayhaught in da house
n more :)
Also none of my favorite characters have passed away. Laurel Lance & Martin are alive, and so is Eddie.
INSPIRED BY: The Superfriends Chat (user beefmince)
(just a heads up, I was inspired by "The Superfriends Chat" to write this book in the same kind of format they did it, but with my own ideas & thoughts to add to it. But since I was inspired by them, credit goes to them, I've tried doing this before but gave up. Go read their story too! b/c its good and funny as hell)
In this story, Conner Kent aka Kon El is cousins to Kara Zor- El and Kal- El
Ps: if u disagree w/ me making some of these characters attracted to the same sex, leave a comment without being rude about it. it's just a fic, I know it'll probably never be canon.
and most definitely some crackships up in here.
[superspider is one of them -]