16 parts Ongoing In the unbreakable bond of friendship between Taehyung and Jungkook, a secret simmered beneath the surface. Taehyung's heart harbored a feeling he couldn't shake, a sentiment that threatened to turn the peaceful balance of their relationship. He had grown to see Jungkook as more than just a friend, but the fear of jeopardizing their friendship kept his emotions locked away.
But fate had other plans. A new transfer student was about to shake things up, capturing Jungkook's attention and stealing his heart. The object of his affection was of the opposite gender, leaving Taehyung to grapple with the painful reality.
Will Taehyung find the courage to confess his feelings, risking the friendship they share? Or will he bottle up his emotions, condemning himself to a life of secret longing and unrequited love?
Join me on this journey of self-discovery, love, and friendship as we delve into the complexities of the human heart.
this story is a work of pure fanfiction, and the characters, events, and settings are entirely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
All rights are reserved, and I kindly request that you respect my creative work by refraining from plagiarism and unauthorized translations.
Thank you for your understanding. 🤎✨
copyright©2025 by bangtanfics