PUCK MY LIFE This story is about a girl named Coventina (Coven) and her best friend Gabriella (Gabe) who are fully devoted to ice hockey. They both try out for a team that only accepts the best of the best and is basically a straight path to a college scholarship. What happens if the guys at try outs are total assholes but are also pretty much the hottest thing ever? Will that interfere with their skill level and ruin their chance at making the team? ___/ • \___ BEFORE READING This story has been written with a more mature language (quite a few swear words, some things said could offend people) and there may be a few things that you might not understand because hockey players have a very special way of saying certain things haha, so if you get confused by slangs like 'twig' or 'ditch pig' or really any other word / phrase that is used feel free to ask! Thank you so much if you decide to read this story, pretty much everything except for the city had been completely made up by me!All Rights Reserved