Brujo: A Witch's Tale is a dark fantasy story that tells the grim tale of two Basque sisters, young Ainhoa and her younger sister, Eilish, who once lived separately from each other due to Eilish's mysterious "blood illness" but conjoin together after their parents, Geliga and Marcrusio de Raido, got arrested for witchcraft by the Spanish Inquisition, which forced the sisters to trust each other and escape the grasps of the Master Inquisitor, Faltpresto Vulgrima, who is dreadfully obsessed in capturing Eilish. With Ainhoa relying on her wits and instincts and Eilish dealing with her illness, the girls attempt the impossible as they survive against the Inquisition and a supernatural force of vampire birds that plague Northern Spain in one of the most darkest and unforgiving times in history.
2 parts