"Do I know you?" He questioned looking into my eyes as I held onto the clothes rack. Quickly I looked down and grabbed a random shirt in front of me. "No umm no I don't know you it's not like I work at your business or anything," I choked out ignoring the fact that a lady I knew very well walked in. "Brucie can we go now theirs something I want to do..." the woman trailed off before looking at me, "And who is she? One of your one night stands?" She questioned. Slowly I decided that I can't do this. So I slapped her before removing my jacket from my body but kept the hood over my face. "Bruce doesn't do one night stands, second he doesn't like to be called Brucie so don't even try lady, and third of all don't ever call me a one night stand because I can make any man leave your ass," I paused removing my hood. "Jessica!" Bruce screamed. "That's right the one and only. HARLEY," I screamed. I knew the famous Harley Quinn we were going shopping but seeing the woman in front of me changed everything. Harley ran out of the dressing room before eyeing me and the lady in front of me. She tossed me a gun and shaking I put it up to the lady's head. Then a loud bang was the only thing in the store.All Rights Reserved