"Supernova" is a recompilation of thoughts, dreams, fears, tears, happiness... in twenty-eight pages.
It's the change, the feeling of something ephemeral.
It's everything I've written.
It's the time that has been taken, the dreams I dreamed, the nightmares I had every night, the tears I've hidden.
Life causes us pain and we learn through it, learn how to face our mistakes, how to be ourselves.
We have to explote and reborn. like a supernova.
- MartaBerrySauce.
All the pictures in the poems are all mine. You can follow my photography account on Instagram (bymarta).
It's poetry,
"Take time to smell the roses"
when we are all busy chasing
the name, fame, and dreams
where we forget
almost ourselves and
the surrounding beautiful things
to see in this chaotic life.
it's to inspire all those little things
and value our precious lives
and cherish the moments we
Share in the journey.