Set around 400 years before the original storyline,Giotto and his guardians hear about the newest kid in town,a young man only known as the 'lone vigilante' who has been beating up thugs,stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. When Giotto seeks out to meet him,he'll realize there's more than meets the eye... Disclaimer: -I do not own "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". It belongs to Akira Amano. This is a fanfic. -OC meets canon characters of the series and so on. -Most likely OC x character. Don't know though. -Poster drawn by me. -This is a REALLY short story. It won't pass 10 chapters,surely and has lots of time skip. Only because it is a story to set the ground bases of another future story set in present time of the KHR storyline.