40 parts Ongoing In this captivating and relatable story, Bilal, a high school senior, navigates the intricate web of adolescence, grappling with his faith, identity, and relationships. Living with his Muslim uncle, Bilal strives to deepen his understanding of Islam while confronting his questioning sexuality.
As Bilal forms a strong bond with James, a charismatic newcomer, rumors spread like wildfire, challenging their friendship. The situation becomes more complicated when James starts dating Shen, Bilal's closest friend. Shen, feeling insecure and jealous, struggles to accept James's close relationship with Bilal, sparking tension among the trio.
Genre: Young Adult, Coming-of-Age, Questioning, Islamic Fiction
Target Audience: Young adults (15-25), fans of character-driven fiction, and readers interested in stories exploring identity, faith, and relationships.