"In the dream, we were in the middle of the ocean during the earlier parts of a sunset. The water had wavelets skipping it's surface, reflecting the new pinkness of the sky. She was about six feet away, treading water like I was. 'C'mon, let's go back' She said, and she began to swim towards a floating, wooden hotel. I began to panic when I had lost sight of her, but noticed a tug at my wrist where a rope tied her and I together. I began to swim for the hotel, too, when dead bodies started to float to the surface. I stopped, in a circle of them, feet away from the hotel deck. She had already reached it, and was cursing at a jellyfish attached to her leg. Her eyes were the size of saucers when she dove back in. I found myself paralyzed, but she pulled me onto the deck just in time for the 'knifetopus' to miss me. Then I saw the jellyfish had killed her, she lay there still. The last thing I did was lay down beside her and die, also. Then, I woke up."
~Quoted directly from the story.
"Would you mind if I asked for your assistance?"
She looked up from the ground to meet his eyes that were already on her, " Not at all, what can I help you with?"
He squinted his eyes, "Yes, Candy," She couldn't help but giggle at his actions, "What do you recommend?"
Y/n's eyes drift to all the sweets, "Have you tried Pocky?"
"I have not."
"I'm pretty sure you'll love it." she reassured
"How sure are you?" the detective was just playing with her, not expecting an answer.
"Like 89%" she nodded.
So different but yet so similar L thought.
Y/n Kitamura has a messy past and present which prevents her from being happy but what if she were to find something else that'd make her smile...like the world's greatest detective?