35 parts Ongoing After being recruited by Wolfsburg after the 2019 World Cup, Mila Bakker was determined to become the best forward of her age. After being named the Young Player of the Tournament, there was no doubt that she was on her way, with the Dutch, right-winger becoming a staple within not just the national team but also the highly competitive Wolfsburg squad.
In 2020, after the disrupted season that left Mila questioning almost everything, new faces joined the Wolfsburg team, including German midfielder, Lena Oberdorf. With Mila's larger-than-life personality and Lena's down-to-earth spirit, both players found an unlikely friendship, despite the light bickering, and when Germany once again shut down, the two found themselves as roommates, trying to survive the lockdown together. With Mila always sneaking around the rules, and Lena having to come to her rescue more often than not, tensions began to brew between the two.
At the national team, Mila's long-time best friend, Jill Roord, was dealing with her own problems, and after two seasons at Arsenal, she returned to Germany, to play alongside her best friend and Dutch teammate, meeting someone unexpected along the way.
Yet, despite Mila's ever-giving love and compassion, there are pains that lie within her past. There are childhood hurts that are present throughout her adult life. After leaving her home country forever, and seeing her family ripped apart in front of her eyes, Mila's trust in others is never too strong. The love she has always seems to fail her. The heart others give, she can never give back.
And it takes one determined person to help bring her out of that.
You're On Your Own, Kid is the final installment of the Swiftly Pitched series, representing that it is important to depend on those who love you and that the friends you hold dearest may always bring surprises.
The Story of Mila Bakker in the Swiftly Pitched Series