Liam receives a letter of invitation to a prestigious school - King's School of the Gifted - a school only known to be for the Gifted (people with supernatural abilities). Coming from a society of Regulars (the bottom of the bottom of the Gifted people), he is forced to cope in a society of Werewolves, Benders, Witches and Vampires. How will he cope when he lacks the most thing - a gift? And why was he chosen? However, what he least expected was meeting Snow - the most powerful being alive - who had her eyes set on him and only him and who claimed that he was her Potential One; her soulmate. Special thanks to @AuthorClarke for the beautiful cover. The world needs artists like him Copyright © 2010-2019 by Free Copyright Register All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.All Rights Reserved