This story isn't entirely creative writing. This is partially a dream journal, written so that anyone may read it. Ever since I was very young, I've always had extremely vivid dreams. Here I will write down every detail I can remember the best that I can, adding my own little creative twists here and there. I most vividly remember the dreams I had when I was very young, and lately I've been waking up, lacking my memory of the details. For the dreams with less details, I will essentially write an original story based off of what I can remember. I've started this project so that I may make an attempt to counteract my loss of memory pertaining to my dreams as well as share these dreams with the world. Please keep in mind that, though a lot of my dreams can be very silly or wholesome, there are also some that you may find disturbing, and deal with some serious topics. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy. Note: Some of my dreams contained pre-existing characters from other media. I will be replacing these characters with new ones that I have made.