10 Partes Concluida Contenido adultoThere's a lot of cliche sayings. For example, "Sometimes you just can't help who you fall for." That's how Tash and Amir thought the saying went until their once secret love affair was exposed, making their once so simple love life and everything around them spiral out of control. When Amir discovers secrets from people in his circle he wonders who can he really trust? Is everybody who they really say they are? Ultimately, who all will he have to get revenge on? For Tash, one thing after another keeps spiraling out of control in her life as well and she wonders, is all this really worth it? Follow Tash and Amir through their journey's and find out whose Revenge was a Secret and whose won't be!
After randomly doing the short story challenge that went viral on Facebook, I decided to turn those stories into a book. These 10 chapters are the first 10 copyrighted and unedited chapters of my book Secret Revenge, releasing on September 30th, 2017! Books are ready for pre sale by just going to the link below. Hope you enjoy.
Follow my Facebook fan page for updates on future works from me @Shakira's Short Stories & Poems