He is a weirdo it was zop !! Or. Pop werid where is that coming from said sister brother whisper is that werido to sis sis ran with me he and. Hiiiiis attack ing everybody Es what shut up he is coming near us we need wepons to defend werido()$&@right we are next 2000,0000,000 place to die is horrible where dying I am dying in a age of7 and a half is that sad I have not became a teenage or adult ai am only a child children and kid I suck artfully is Jason the killer mix slender man there coming we are the last one zzzzzzz I made wepons jacky u take a hpitmzite gun is strong mom take pistol dad fushion she take light sword we have jet pack that could fly even without fuel cool right took her 9 yeArs to make a jet pack like this is a big job we might be cool no one can stop us only 200000,00000,0000peo people leaft in the whole wide world 50days later everyone got wepons attack the force said me bam boom kulp boom whew now a boss to destroying i boom zap Ching whoooom die guys !! Bye!All Rights Reserved