Awakening of Ciemna Materia
5 parts Complete Based after Gundam Seed Freedom, the story focuses on an orphan boy named Viktor Markson, a Coordinator from Orb Union. After two years after the war ended between ORB and ZAFT, Viktor resided at Lagrange 5 and has been dealing with grief and depression. But despite of the negatives, he reunited with his childhood friend Satomi Irena, another Coordinator who lived in the PLANTS for her whole life. Both Satomi and Viktor returns to being friends like they used too, causing Viktor to feel at peace.
But one day, Shinn Asuka along with his companions reunited with Viktor. However, the reunion is short lived when Viktor uncovers the truth of who's the one who killed his father, and it turns out to be Shinn, his good friend. As Viktor is about to surrender to his suicidal thoughts, he unleashes an evil entity from the medallion he found, called Ciemna Materia; or Dark Matter in Polish.