"It's been 8 years, Granger. One would think that they'd move on during that time. But I'm still stuck. Stuck in the past that continued to haunt me."
"I'm stuck too, Malfoy. The dreams, the screams, the death, continues to haunt me as well. But there is one thing you should know. I forgive you, Draco. You're not alone."
8 years after the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy moved to Muggle London to move on, yet never seeming to find peace.
8 years after the Second Wizarding War, Hermione Granger had left the Weasleys, following the betrayal that broke her very being.
Both alone and out of options, will they find solace and save each other? Or will the two brightest Witch and Wizard of the Modern Generation destroy the other instead?
HP characters are not mine, as they are all owned by the lovely J.K. Rowling!
Hermione spit her tea out in shock. This was not for real was it? It had to be a joke! I mean, come on, how could the ministry do this? A marriage law? Why? Yes the wizarding population had sunk considerably during the war, but it was surly rising back up again at a good pace wasn't it?
(I currently have this story up on fanfiction.net as well)
(A "spin off" called Under the Full Moon is currently being made, it's the story from Luna and Blaise's persepctive)
(Working on a rewrite of this story at the moment and I'm working on finishing and bettering the spin off too)