don't tell her that she is your bestfriend while you are not sure that she is your true or a real best friend. you need to know who she is to be your best friend yeah I don't know your story but I want you to help or I want to give an advice for you because I know it's too hard to have real friend . I have a lot of friends but I have only best friend I kno she is my real best friend because I can tell her all of my secret. even though she is my cousin im so happ to have her to be my best friend. but I need to be careful because I don't know he or she is listening to us because there's a lot of people that they want to know all of my secret that's why I need to be careful guys you need to be careful or check first the surronding before you talk or before you chat your best friend , close fdiend and your true friend if you need help just comment here and love your best friend she will be your mother father brother or a sister and remember best friend is not a made that you can hurt her or saying bad words to her best friend is realll important to us. ♡♡♡♡All Rights Reserved