Hi, I'm Emma Hylance. Here are a few things you should know about me: 1. Huge bookworm 2. A full-blown perfectionist 3. Straight A student 4. Bossy (That's what I've been told. but I CAN'T help it! Who would obey me, if I didn't boss them around.) 5. Neat Freak 6. In love with Clive Owen <3 Here's the catch . . . I've been studying in Charrington High for three years and never have I been bothered by anyone, let alone been bullied. But there seems to be a huge problem this year. The problem . . . Jonathan "Jon" Walter McNeill a.k.a. "The Brit" Again, the PROBLEM . . . Due to my carelessness, I've let him get a hold unto the most precious thing I own. And with that in hand alone, he could do various things with it that would let my whole reputation go falling down a cliff. He's got my freakin' DIARY for crying out loud! My life and all of my deepest secrets are in there.