In Star war the revenge of the sith at the ending we saw padme gave birth to Luke and leia but what will happen if leia died while padme died with no name for Luke. Ok here's the story. The clone wars had ended and the Jedi are purged. Y/n and yoda were the only two to survive the purge of the Jedi. Anakin skywalker became Darth Vader. Padme gave birth to Luke and leia until leia died from childbirth. It was then padme died with no name for Luke so it was just a baby with no name. Y/n and Yoda decided to protect the baby from his father so they then go far away until they found a planet called renmant. As Y/n and Yoda say their farewells, Y/n was then given to protect the baby so he just left him with a note to a house of arc. The family then notice the baby and decided to adopt him. The arc family then name the baby Jaune while Y/n was looking out the distance. Over years the two jedis and the son of Vader was living a good life with a family until darkness came and monsters roaming the lands. It was time for the Jedi to help and Y/n must train Jaune to become a Jedi warrior like his real father.All Rights Reserved