Rick Montana and company are back in The Quest for Zerzura, Book 2 in the Light of Shambhala duology.
It's 1942, two years after the events in The Goddess of Kunlun, and World War II is in full swing. Rick and Ace are volunteer pilots in the Civil Air Patrol. A chance encounter with a German U-boat off the shores of America sets them off on the continuation of the adventure that had begun in Tibet. Their quests for Atah Lahn (Atlantis) and the Lost Oasis of Zerzura will take them from the Caribbean to Europe, and finally into the North Africa Campaign, as they try to keep Pandora, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction, out of the hands of the Nazis, all the while seeking the Shambhala Book of Light. But there is another faction who are not convinced that the Book is the great hope for mankind that it purports to be, and they will stop at nothing to keep it from being found.
********** Publication Announcement! **********
Great news! I'm pleased to announce that The Quest for Zerzura has been published and is now available on Amazon, in both ebook and paperback formats. I'll leave the first few chapters up here as a sample. It's been a great work-in-progress run here on Wattpad, but the time eventually comes to let your story out into the big world. Thank all of you so much for your support, encouragement, kind words and feedback on The Quest for Zerzura, and on all my works posted here. I couldn't do it without you.