Some call it an urban legend, some denied it out right and some call it a story you tell your children to scare them, but everyone knows how it's described. Every child, every adult, everyone. It's said that if someone, man or woman tries to end they own life, commit suicide, she appears. A woman clothed entirely in black, wearing a hat, a mantel and a mask to conceal her face. She takes your hand and brings you to her house. Where all she does is talk with you. She does not tries to drive you into suicide further, she does not try to keep you from killing yourself. All she does is talk. After a conversation some kill themselves, some don't and those who didn't kill themselves get branded with a kiss mark on the neck. An entirely black kissmark. It can not be removed, not with water, acid or a laser therapy. No one knows why she does it, but everyone knows that if you end your own life you will meet her.