Six months after the VKs turned their backs on evil, bad things happen again. Mal goes back to the Isle and trouble appears when her friends try and look for her, meanwhile, a secret Amelia had kept quiet for a long time comes to light. Will everything turn out good?
Read to find out.
Sorry for the crappy resume (again).
Sooo, this book still needs a lot of editing but I'm writing the third book and I have other
books so, right now, I'm focusing in two books: the third one of Amelia x Carlos and another one named "Gwen" which is also a Carlos x oc book, when I'm done with those, I'll come back to this books and edit them, sorry if someday you get a lot of notifications of me updating this books, it's just that I'm editing some little stuff and so:).
I hope you understand this and have some patience with me. Also, please remember that (in case you didn't know) English is not my main language so I still get a lot of things wrong, if you find any mistake in any of my books, you can always comment it, I don't take it the wrong way. In fact, I like it since is constructive criticism.🥰
[In memory of Cameron Boyce, Rest In Peace, angel, fly high.]