32 parts Complete In a world where magic weaves its own destinies, Aurelia Dior, a young witch from the illustrious Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, finds herself at the heart of an enchanting journey. As the Triwizard Tournament descends upon the ancient halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Aurelia's presence sparks an irresistible allure, captivating the minds, and hearts of those around her.
Aurelia, born to a lineage of esteemed purebloods, arrives at Hogwarts as the sweetheart of Beauxbatons, her elegance, and poise casting a mesmerizing spell over all who meet her. Amidst the thrills and challenges of the Tournament's tasks, she discovers an unexpected and profound connection with Cedric Diggory, the charismatic and honorable Hogwarts champion.