I fucking forgot my description, cuz soMEONE PUT DADDY ON EVERYTHING-
msshsnsbjs while I was being a sad bitch I found my desc in one of my messages uWu
(The art is mine because I couldn't find any good photos lmao) This is my first "x Reader" and I'm sorry if there are grammar mistakes, feel free to correct me. I'll try to update daily but I honestly don't know, school is starting so it's chaotic and shit. Y/N is your name, E/C is eye colour, H/C is hair colour, Y/G is your gender, B/D means birth date,
S/C is skin colour, bolded italic means Authors Note or just something I wanted to point out.
Actual description:
Y/N is a Y/G turning 24 on B/D 2019, they recently got kicked out of their apartment because they weren't paying rent. On one rainy day on the streets, they had an encounter with someone unusual looking.
(*wheeze* HoW dEsCriPtiVe LaKeYsHiA!)
Edit: EEEEE I FORGOT, I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS (lmao makes sense I don't have the courage to make a mini series) AND I DONT OWN VILLAINOUS (of course you don't Lakeyshia calm the fuck down)