This is a story based on the French novel Gueule d'Ange. Gueule d'Ange is a mystery that follows a young detective who is trying to get to the bottom of some local girls. Along the way there are more deaths and other people who make solving the mystery more interesting and complicated. Among others Guillaume (William) a 16 year old heroin addict living in a squat is one of those people. We find out that he was in love with the main character Gueule d'Ange who throughout the book is missing and seemingly the key to all the answers concerning the suspicious deaths of the other girls her age. Guillaume was in love with Gueule d'Ange and when the young detective reads his poetic words it cannot be questioned that his love is far deeper than simply face value. This story is set before the deaths and disappearances and is Guillaume and Gueule d'Anges love story. Beautiful and tragic. ***english version coming soon***All Rights Reserved
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