An Alastor [Mad-Eye Moody] fanfic. Disclaimer time! 1: English is not my first language. 2: This fan-fic is made for fun and should not be used to reflect on my professional work, on which I would have used far more time and actual effort. 3: This is made as a way to express admiration for J.K. Rowling's creations and her world, nothing else. 4: I know neither J.K. Rowling nor Alastor Moody in person, neither the thought or reaction-pattern of Alastor Moody. Everything is purely fiction and stuff that I and only I made up. 5: I do accept constructive criticism, but only if it is constructive on a technical base. Criticism related to personal preference and taste will be disregarded. 6: All characters are fictional, even those based on real-life people! 7: This story contains non-canon material to the original Harry Potter books and films. This non-canon material made up by me and belongs only to the stories that take place in the parallel Harry Potter universe in which I write. What I'm trying to say is: Don't come at me for making up new magic! ENJOY YOURSELF! Or else..!All Rights Reserved