Adrienne Moore, sixteen years old and leader of Kifo, a rebel group against the Favored Ones, is thrown into a world of chaos and destruction whenever her parents are killed on the day of the Uprising. She takes the place of a powerful man, making promises she soon finds out are very hard to keep.
She brings in a captured Favored One and learns shocking news about his family. He is able to capture a new and improved her. He shows her that not only are Favored Ones also worth saving, he shows her that they could coexist peacefully.
When people get scared, they do dangerous things, so how will people, Favored Ones and humans, react when they find out about the dangerous trio, Adrienne, Alec, and Evermore, they make? Can they stop the war before it becomes unfixable? Can they survive the betrayals they'll face?
A murderous rage took hold of me just then, and I pushed on the cage. "Don't you know who I am, Favored One? I'm Kifo, deathbringer. I'm the one who has taken the lives of your soldiers, and I will be the one who destroys whatever base you have here."
*Read more to find out what happens*