Lauren was a defiantly not a normal teenager. She was always condidered the "socially awkward homeschooled teenager". Who thinks that everyone is her friend and is always polite to adults. She always has her guard on with certain boys or people, especially celebrities. She had met quite a few since she conveniently happened to live in two places. In the summer she lives in LA, California while in the winter she lives in her hometown London, England. Not to mention her uncle is THE Simon Cowell. But as much as Lauren wanted to be like her friends. Her parents never approved of many things for her to do or listen too. Although Lauren is almost 19 her parents still have control over what she does. Although, believe it or not. She doesn't mind it at all. Her being the respectful girl she is. But will she suddenly rebel for more freedom? But when she's forced to go to a One Direction concert. Will she suddenly drop her guard when she meets a special blonde haired blue eyes Irish teen?