These are the notes from Kendra Sutton. She was admitted to the Mental Institution of Springfield Missouri.
She wrote everyday of her hard journey. Starting here, this is what she's written
I'm 15. I'm locked in a room. Left alone with a notebook and pencil. No sharpener. No eraser. Probably so I can't kill myself with the blade of the sharpener or erase something. They want to know everything.
Dr. Whats-His-Face says I should write everything down but what should I write down?
Hi I'm Kendra and I tried to kill myself three times so my parents locked me up in this hell whole? I have a small bed and a thick blanket? There's a window across the hall but it only lets in a little bit of light? I can't control the lights? At 7:30 A.M. the lights turn on. At 7:30 P.M. the lights turn off. I get food at 7:45 A.M. noon and we eat "together" at 5? Is that what I should write?
Well here goes nothing.