Dear, person reading this: The only friend you have is me he said. Nobody else cares about you he also said and for a minute I believed him. His toxic ways have me hooked and it seems like I'm struggling to find my way out. He knows exactly what to say and at the exact right time. He knows I'll come back and he seems to know me very well because I always do. Without a doubt. Without a second thought. I always do. He's loving every second of it. I feel like I'm losing myself more and more each day. Losing everything that made me, me. A cry for help? Thats exactly what this is. A cry for strength? That's exactly what I need. For the most part no one could hear me. Until I met him. My hero. The person who helped me gain my woman power back. The person who reminded me of the black woman I was. The person who told me how beautiful I was every second and didn't make me feel as if I didn't have a soul to feel words that sliced through my heart. He heard my cry and he's going to make sure he saves the day. Even if someone gets hurt. Even if someone falls in love with fear filling their heart. He was going to save the day. Xoxo , Lani "May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you." -Lalah Delia