A romantic-comedy-action-drama story of the Crowned Princess of Korea, Ms. Jennie Kim, and the Commander of King's Guard of Thailand, Ms. Lalisa Manoban.
Military conflict between North Korea and South Korea is getting worse, tension between the two states are becoming problematic that it has come to nuclear war threats and has become an international concern. The United Nations (UN) sided with South Korea and asking North Korea to have peaceful and diplomatic reconciliation. With all this issues, different countries, the friends of South Korea pledge their support to them. Thailand in particular offered to send their best military guards, including Commander Lalisa Manoban, Head of the King's Guards, to protect the Royal Family of Korea.
Commander Manoban is the best military officer of Thailand. With her strength, intelligence, stamina, and skills in hand-in-hand combat (boxing & taekwondo), short and long range shooting, and driving skills (she can drive motorcycles, cars, trucks, boats, ships, helicopters, and airplanes), she has conquered different sensitive military operations assigned to her and to her regiment. Known to be cold from the outside but actually is soft, kind, caring. She is really dedicated to protect the Royal Family of Thailand and follow their orders without question. The King of South Korea, King Arthur Kim, felt more than blessed to have her in their company temporarily in times of conflict such as this. He asked Commander Manoban to protect her daughter, Princess Jennie, at all times and at all cost. The young commander agreed and vowed to protect the princess with her life.
On the other hand, Crowned Princess Jennie Kim is a well groomed young lady in the palace. She' also an architect and urban planner. A genius with photographic memory. Although she's kind and sweet, she's good at taekwondo herself. Everybody loves her. Beauty and brains with a heart. She loves her family so much and is willing to take the throne after her father.