45 Partes Concluida Assalamualaikum My Dear Brothers and Sisters of Islam!!!
Daw'ah, is to call, request, encourage people to Islam. Now since we're all moderately teens who are shy when it comes to the whole introducing of Islam to others and all, why not take advantage of what we are all good at? Technology!!!
This wonderful site, gives us the opportunity to create and post our own writing. I got to thinking, "Hey, while we're at it, why not create an on line book about Islam?" Many of our peers don't understand many of the things that we do, the way we dress, the things we eat, they don't really get why we do it. They're to shy to ask out in the open, so they'll always have that word nagging at the back of their heads going "why."
So I have decided to create this book, so that we can inshAllah explain Islam in our own way. Notice that I said "WE". Yep, I am not solely gonna take on this task, I am human and I will mistakes, so feel fee to correct anything I write, contribute and I'll publish it along with the rest of this book also.
Come on, STEP RIGHT UP, share your own bit of knowledge, because it will be a form of daw'ah and you'll get rewards, inshAllah.