After an almost fatal car accident due to her father's wicked ways, Onika Maraj is left blind. The 18 year old was unfortunately left with lifelong injuries, resulting in her long term memory loss. A long 15 years slowly drags by before she's reunited with her ex girlfriend, and also a survivor of the car crash, Beyoncé Knowles, who she happens to remember nothing about. Pained by fate, Beyoncé takes that as a sign and decides to pursues her ex lover in hopes of tapping into Nicki's heart and mind to get her to remember what was and will always be there.
Presenting to you a tale teaching one patience, understanding, and genuine love.
Onika Tanya Maraj lived a perfect life until one mistake changed her life, she meets Beyoncé Giselle Knowles and falls in love with her, but will Onika's "accident" change Bey's opinion of her?
Started: 07.03.20
Completed: 10.13.20