Levi was a hot shot. Loved by all. School jock. Cheerleaders swooned over him, nerds, geeks, girls, and even a few guys. He was able to talk to anyone. He was absolutely perfect. Everything about him was perfect. Perfect friends, perfect abs, perfect football player, perfect team captain, perfect student, perfect jock, perfect clothes, perfect mom, perfect dad, perfect little brothers, perfect little sisters, perfect name, perfect grades, perfect everything. Levi knew how everyone saw him and he didn't care. People would ask for autographs. Guys would ask if they could be just like him. Levi thought highly about himself, but put his sister before him.
Venus was his opposite. She was invisible to all. School nobody. Nobody really knew she existed except her brother. She couldn't talk to anyone. She was beyond perfect. Nothing about her was perfect and she was far from it. She was shy, timid, clumsy, worrier, scared, and invisible. She couldn't talk to anyone without freezing, she could only talk to her brother. She was herself around him. She was constantly thinking about how everyone else saw her. Her only escape was threw him and her books. She cared deeply for her brother.
That all changed with jealousy.
Hey you, the one reading this first. This is for you. Statutory warning, it's gonna take a long time to read and it's kinda boring but it's only fair because I know I can't put down all the memories running through the veins in my mind, on a piece of paper. The ink is not dark enough, the black on a printed paper is not enough for it.
But I had to try. I had to try for you, so that you can see what an amazing and unbelievable journey it has been. So that I can make you see beyond what you already have witnessed. In simpler words, here is a timeline of my memories for you to surf through.
Happy Birthday Twin, I love you to the Neptune and back. Here is something I have for you in return of the greatest gift you have ever given me, You. Thank you, because it's been surreal, a fortunate stroke of serendipity.