Omnifarious [om-nuh-fair-ee-uh s]
'Of all forms, varieties, or kinds'
A collection of short stories from of omnifarious genres. From running for your life to falling in love, I try to write short stories that seem like fun. Something that pops in my head and stays there. That being said, if you ever have any ideas, let me know! I'd love to hear some ideas for short stories I could write.
I hope you enjoy my short stories! Maybe one day we can build upon their foundations. Until then, let's enjoy these small pieces.
(Currently, the short story ' Daisy Chains' is being published as its own story as well. For the time being, it will remain a short story in this collection. When the full story is posted, I'm not sure whether the original remain here.)
An ongoing collection of short stories with different genres. I am doing this for the first time. The short stories are ongoing, and I will keep publishing new ones each week until I feel it's time to finish the book! Please read, comment and enjoy!