In the world of My Hero Academia, where 80% of the population has superpowers known as Quirks while the other 20% has none and remains normal.
Despite being gifted with these abilities, many people die from causes such as old age, illnesses, murder, suicide and more. But the cause of death that terrifies many today is...
There are two kinds of people you can be in this world. Either save people like Heroes or destroy others like Villains.
With the born of Quirks, a new phenomena has also taken the world like a spreading fire.
Spontaneous Human Combustion.
A phenemona where Humans combusted into flames becoming flame-raging monsters or they can be referred as Infernals.
It's hard for heroes to be constantly dealing with Villains and Infernals, so Japan has decided to make a new form of occupation that can handle the Infernals. To put the Humans that have combusted into rest.
An association of Fire Fighters Companies that use their abilities to combat against the Infernals. Human Combustion isn't only natural, there's also a chance where someone is creating Artificial Infernals. Despite both the Fire Force and Heroes having the same objective and agenda to protect people, the Fire Force are made fun off due to being similar to firefighters and known as "Rip-Off Heroes".
One boy wanted to prove them all wrong. He wants to show the whole world that you can be a Hero, no matter what occupation you have. That boy is the newly assigned member to the Special Fire Force Company 8.
Kusakabe Shinra.