Summary of the trilogy ( all 3 books..) :
Èvelyn Seed was murdered at the age of 18 years old.
She lived a normal life, was a role model student with good grades and clean records.
So why was she of everyone, the victim of a brutal and grutesque murder?
It's not like her murder was an accident, or she was simply there at the wrong time or as if she was hit by a drunk driver, the murderer knew who she was and wanted to kill her.
Could miss goody-two-shoes had been not so good after all ?
In the Afterlife, Èvelyn seeks revenge.
Many rise to fight with her, others thrive to fight against her and there are those who prefer to watch.
The battle of the Immortals and the Earthbounds, the battle of which the outcome will affect all, the living and the deceased. But what will happen, when an old prophecy is fullfilled and the Shadows who were once extinct, rise again?
The battle of the Immortals, Shadows and Earthbounds, ...
'' Everyone has their own personal battles, for us to rise and fight together, well this means war... One for all and all for one! ''
- Èvelyn Seed in the battle of The Afterlife
(This is actually a quote, I invented with the inspiration of others..)
The Blue Shadow Trilogy contains :
- Book 1 : The Blue Shadow In The Depths Of Darkness
- Book 2 : The Blue Shadow In The Midst Of Light
- Book 3 : The Blue Shadow A Highlight Of The Past
Copyright © 2014
All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise indicated, no part of my book(s),
( Indicated above ^ ) may be used for reproduction of the book, modifications of the book, unauthorized (by me; Daphnée King) copy of the book on another website or other ways.
In shorter terms, don't steal my books..
- HPKinggirlFan
(Daphnée King)Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang