(Book 2. Read I'll Dry Your Tears before reading this!) The year was 2016. But not the one we know, and not the one Peter and Tony knew. No, this was another universe. Steve traveled to it after Avengers: Endgame. He just couldn't live in a world without Tony and Natasha. Steve tells tells (universe 936) Tony about everything. Peter, Thanos, everyone. But it comes to a shock when Tony doesn't even know anyone by the name of Peter. Steve feels awfully guilty for leaving his other universe, and decides to try to make this one a better one. More than he tried before. He introduces Tony to Peter, hoping to find a sort of relationship they could have like his old universe. Read to find out about their adventure. Peter coming into the Avengers life's. Peter's aunt still dead I am this universe. Bucky and Steve, and Steve and Tony. Lots of tears and shocking moments ahead! -All Rights Reserved