"Ah, the Magikin...where does one even begin? Mmm, perhaps to start off, we talk of what they are, and they are many..many things. Enhanced people, these Magikin, and one should take that statement very seriously. They are sellswords for hire one moment, then the next, ferocious slayers of beasts! All that, and then to even a simple guard. They are capable of completing just about any task, and filling just about any role, it seems. As long as their employer is capable of providing a fit amount of coin." -Torn out page of Veharon's Journal
Cedrych, a rather young Magikin, perhaps the youngest to ever exist, the youngest to ever survive the Magikin trials, and most importantly, the mold. That is who this story begins with, and that is who this story shall follow.
The Magikin, Cedrych, had been hired by King Eron IV of Ainavlysnart, a Kingdom of Vampyres, to find a certain someone whom the Vampyre King and his soldiers themselves could not. That being his daughter, and soon to be Vampyre Queen. She hides herself well, yet not well enough. Not well enough to stay hidden from a Magikin. Yet, Cedrych isn't the only one after the girl, and he certaintly isn't the only one hot on her trail.