"I live in a city of love..."
"So why does it feel like all ounce of love has left my body?"
"Along with everyone I love..."
Adrien has always bottled up his emotions, playing the perfect puppet for his father. He's always there for others, but he's never truly himself, unless if he's behind a mask. The mask of Chat Noir.
Of course, even then, everyone overlooks him and looks to her. Ladybug. He doesn't blame them, he does, too. His kwami, Plagg, sees Adrien's true emotions, especially when they're one as Chat Noir.
However, nobody else does. That is, until Chat Noir continues to visit a certain girl with bluebell eyes.
Will she be able to save him, before the black sea drowns him completely? Draining him of life?
"All I've ever been behind, my entire life, is a bunch of..."