The Edward Garcia Construction Company (EGCC) became bigger globally, under the management of Jake Espiritu, as the President, while Andrew and Gara choose to concentrate on their hardware business wherein several branches were establish after so many years of hard work and perseverance.
Despite graduating as Magna Cum Laude, AJ (Andrew Garcia, Jr.) was hired in EGCC only as Jr. Architect and being personally supervised by Jake Espiritu. He slowly goes up in rank as the company's Chief Operating Officer after he passed and placed in top 5 architecture board examination.
On the other hand, as the eldest daughter of the Faulkerson Family, Celestine Mendoza Faulkerson, is being groomed to take over the company's presidency. Celestine took up Business Management and she graduated Cum Laude.
After graduation she was immediately assigned to lead the Sales Department under the direct supervision of her father Richard Faulkerson, Jr. of their family business Faulkerson Construction Company (FCC).
EGCC being the business rival of FCC, how this conflict will affect the love story of the two main characters, Celestine Mendoza Faulkerson and Andrew Garcia, Jr.
Date Publish: October 4, 2019
Date Completed: December 31, 2019.